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Russian (categorized by eBrand Services): for marketing purposes all keyword gTLDs (no dot-brands or geo gTLDs) have been identified that are being understood by an Internet-literate, native speaker (Moscow, Russia) without foreign language competences.
Remark: An .APP TLD would allow for the congregation of application developers in a easily identifiable namespace, and facilitate information seekers to find the applications and products they are seeking.
Remark: We intend for .app to be a TLD dedicated to application developers. The term “app” is used in a variety of contexts, including mobile applications, browser-based applications and even desktop applications.
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: .APP is to be restricted for use by relevant developer communities, but to be inclusive of the full range of application development communities and not to restrict registration to developers on a particular platform.
Remark: the aim of .app is to create a blank canvas for the online app sector to drive innovation and competition within the app sector by providing new channels not yet fulfilled by current market offerings.
Remark: The .App registry will aim to create value and global presence such that an Application with a .app extension, will automatically be recognized as a serious and credible player, as opposed one with a generic extension.
Remark: The mission of .APP is to provide constituents of the software and mobile application industries with a de facto “home domain” for their online presence.
Remark: The proposed gTLD will provide Google with direct association to the term 'app' which is an abbreviation of 'application'. The mission of this gTLD, .app, is to provide a dedicated domain space in which Google and select members of its application developer network (“Network”) can enact second-level domains that relate to the offering of Google’s and its Network’s applications and application-specific content.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term APP - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The goal of .APP is to provide registrants with a domain namespace that (a) is more descriptive of the function of offering apps, (b) increases the marketing and distribution opportunities of apps, (c) improves awareness to Internet users of the availability of apps, (d) provides better availability of domains dedicated to apps, and (e) is a trusted domain namespace with a consistent experience for Internet users.
Remark: the aim of .app is to create a blank canvas for the online app sector to drive innovation and competition within the app sector by providing new channels not yet fulfilled by current market offerings.
Remark: The .app gTLD will create a new generation gTLD serving the interests of the community of independent app developers and publishers, consumers and internet users.
Remark: the .APP TLD would become a badge of professionalism and commitment to the app industry and provide .APP registrants with new online branding benefits that differentiate them from other businesses and individuals that are not focused or committed to the app business eco
Remark: The .APP TLD will be an Internet space that facilitates the utilization, creation, and distribution of web-based apps, desktop apps, smartphone apps, tablet apps, or any other software application optimized for speed, functionality, and ease of use by means of, but not limited to, websites, social networks, email, and other technologies.
Remark: Aim to provide a top-level domain name that provides app developers an identifiable means of communicating with potential customers, app reviewers a quick-and-easy way of communicating with readers, and consumers a recognizable and trust-worthy top-level domain for apps: .APP.
Remark: The .ART Registry promises to introduce a vibrant and diverse global workshop for encouraging a sense of place and identity for .ART registrants and their audiences.
Remark: The intention is to create a space that is equally viable for contemporary, professional artists as it is for historical art collectors, video artists, tattoo artists, gallery owners, sculptors, painters, performance artists, and the expansive group of people and companies that identify in some way with making and appreciating art.
Remark: (DeviantArt) The .ART gTLD will serve as a trusted, hierarchical, and intuitive namespace for the global Arts community which includes Artists and those who are engaged in the Arts worldwide
Remark: The .art gTLD will provide an authentic resource for members of the public, allowing for information and professional services to be accessed by end users in a simple and trustworthy way.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term ART - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The aim is for .ART to be a truly global identifier; insofar that, it serves as a catalyst to highlight the global art community. On the basis that traditional media are struggling to obtain art aficionados’ attention, this specialized and focused name space intends to create a new communications channel with respect to art, in particular on the Internet.
Restrictions: Initially opened to a category of community members who are closely involved in and intertwined with the art community. These member categories include museums, art centers and art galleries, publishing houses who publish art books, art schools and academies, research and fellowship institutes and programs, public and private collections, funding organizations and NGOs, residency programs and international exhibitions such as biennials.
Remark: .ART is also about access to art, and is a place in which to discover and experience art. This pure focus is designed to generate significant opportunity for all who love the arts.
Remark: Art is a diverse medium and is no longer confined to canvas or clay. .ART will assist in displaying and transferring art as a digital object. The purpose is to help artists display, sell and discuss art online.
Remark: The mission of the .ART TLD is to be the designated namespace for all individuals, groups, businesses, organizations, and entities that engage in the provision of services, products, or information related to art.
Remark: The mission of the .ART gTLD is to provide a home for all web-based content related to the arts and provide a meeting place on the Internet for artists and art-lovers.
Remark: This TLD is a generic term for all things associated with AUDIO. In addition, .AUDIO is useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and the provision of legitimate goods and services.
Remark: The purpose of Uniregistry's .AUDIO gTLD is to be the pre-eminent general and generic choice for registrants offering audio prodction, boradcasting, and the manufacturing of audio equipment.
Remark: fTLD Registry Services, LLC (FRS) is submitting this application on behalf of the global banking community
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: All registrants within .bank will be vetted prior to registration to ensure their identity and their commitment to industry best standards developed by FRS in conjunction with the financial services community.
Restrictions: The .bank TLD will require registrants to achieve specific verification as a bank institute from a recognized authority of national, provincial or state jurisdiction.
Remark: The term “bar” is a generic and broadly used word that holds particular affinity for people and organizations with interests ranging from legal issues to local hot spots and nearly everything in between. .BAR will provide a well-regarded address for the sharing of information, ideas, experiences, entertainment and the sale of relevant goods and services.
Remark: A “bar,ʺ including but not limited to: sushi, espresso or tapas bars (places where food is served and consumed); juice, smoothie, cocktail, martini, and espresso bars (places where drinks are served and consumed); nail, wax or beauty bars (places where beauty treatments are performed); sports, jazz or beach bars (places where people gather to drink and be entertained); candy, chocolate and energy bars (products); and related products and entities.
Remark: This TLD is a generic term for all things associated with Bingo. In addition, .BINGO is useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and the provision of legitimate goods and services.
Remark: The purpose is general use associated with the term/game BINGO - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: In at least 8 languages spoken in 52 countries, “bio” is also used as short form of words meaning organic farming.
Please note that Sunrise period and Landrush period will run in parallel.
Restrictions: .bio domain name registrants involved in organic production or distribution will have to certify their compliance with organic standards and legislations.
Remark: .BLOG proposes to create an Internet space which will become the gathering place for bloggers to create trusted and easily accessible blogs and blog entries, and ease of access for people searching for specific topics or bloggers.
Remark: The .blog TLD will be an open TLD, with wholesale pricing higher than currently available gTLDs. The TLD will be targeted at both individual bloggers and company blogs, however it is our plan to leave room for innovation with the TLD through relevant non-blog websites.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term BLOG - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: .Blog aims to plug the gap of first choice domain unavailability, and be the bloggers’ first choice TLD giving them a larger pool of names to choose from and allowing them to build their online presence at a URL that they can directly associate with.
Remark: Two principal goals for the .blog TLD. First, users navigating to domains within the TLD should reasonably expect to reach a blog when they access a .blog domain name. Second, it should be simple and easy for .blog registrants to associate their second-level domain with their blog on the blogging platform of their choice.
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: no
Restrictions: It is notable that registrations within the TLD will be limited to those with blogs adhering to a certain technical standard.
Remark: The mission of the .BLOG TLD is to be the designated namespace for all individuals, groups, businesses, organizations, and other related entities that engage in activities related to blogging.
Remark: The goal of the .BLOG domain is to encourage the free flow of ideas and expression through the use of blogs and similar Internet-based self-publishing software. The .BLOG gTLD will and provide bloggers and blog-readers a better Internet identifier than current registration choices.
Remark: The aim is to provide an authoritative Internet space where information, services and resources regarding online trading in financial derivatives via IG Group Holdings plc.(IG Group), as a broker, will be closely controlled by IG Group
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term/profession BROKER - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with CAFES - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The .cafe TLD will provide an online home for the various types of cafes and venues where cafe culture (of all varieties) is enjoyed. The .cafe TLD will allow these entities to register names that are appropriate to their product, business name or service offering.
Remark: The aim is to cater for people and organizations with interests in anything that a live feed from a web camera (cam) can be used to project, and more.
Remark: The aim is to cater for a designated namespace for people, organizations and businesses to provide websites and services related to cameras, photography and film-making.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with CAMERAS - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term CASINO - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission/purpose of .CASINO is to provide on-line gaming and on-line gaming information and related services to Internet users in a manner which is consistent and compliant with any and all applicable rules of law, including jurisdictionally-specific rules of law related to on-line gaming
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: Reserved for company and affiliate use only.
Remark: With a .chat TLD, businesses will be able to setup their live support and customer service at ‘’ and customers will know exactly where to go when they want to talk to someone from that particular business.
Remark: The aim is provide an Internet space whose central function is to provide a platform for creating, producing and disseminating informative, creative and innovative content.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term chat - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term CLUB - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission of the .CLUB TLD is to be the designated namespace for all individuals, groups, businesses, organizations, and other entities that engage in commercial or non-commercial activities related to the creation, promotion, and ongoing existence of clubs of all varieties.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term COMPUTER - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term CONSULTING - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: .contact seeks to create a recognizable extension to bring together individuals and companies who are passionate about their product or service and wish to create a website dedicated to contacting the company.
Remark: The goal of the .COUPON top-level domain is to offer online and in-store shoppers a readily identifiable and easily accessible platform for discounted products and services.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term CREDIT - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term DATA - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: DISH DBS Corporation operates the DISH network television service in the United States. The DISH Network provides a direct broadcast satellite (DBS) subscription television service and other content and video distribution systems in North America.
Remark: Namespace dedicated to online storage-based services, products and vendors. .DATA offers the opportunity to share, save, store, and deliver information via the internet.
Remark: The desired reputation of .democrat is that of an open namespace where everyone is welcomed as engaged participants. As such, it is expected that participants will create innovative and specialized products and services that connect with their audience. Political candidates and elected officials may establish an easily discovered online presence to promote their messages and experiences.
Remark: The mission/purpose of .doctor is to provide an easily recognized, specialized and publicly trusted name space on the internet for licensed medical professionals. The .doctor extension is intended to provide the registrant an immediately recognized domain name that tells Internet users that they are interacting with a licensed medical professional.
Restrictions: Registrants of .DOCTOR will have to participate in a verification process; whereby, medical licence information by a recognised authority must be validated.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term/profession DOCTOR - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The .doctor generic Top Level Domain is an exclusive, industry-specific TLD run by The Medical Registry Limited (MR) and designed for the long-term benefit of the global medical community.
Restrictions: Registrants of .DOCTOR will have to participate in a verification process; whereby, medical licence information by a recognised authority must be validated.
Remark: The .ECO top-level domain will benefit concerned companies and individuals who wish to either rebrand under .ECO, or use the suffix to showcase what they are doing for the environment. As with .ORG, we feel that .ECO should not be run with an authoritative view on who is “eco” and who is not, but rather as a self-selecting badge for companies and customers who genuinely care about the environment.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term ECO - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The .ECO domain will provide a niche internet platform focused on environmental stewardship and sustainability. The availability will be to create a sense of exclusivity, community, and specificity for online participants in the green/sustainability sector.
Remark: Utilize the power of the Internet to foster transparency, information sharing, communication and exchange of ideas to promote environmental goals, interests and values, amongst Community members and those who are exploring that opportunity.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term EMAIL - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term EXPERT - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: Red Circle, LLC, the applicant for the “.expert” gTLD (the “Registry”) intends to serve all considering themselves “experts” in any field or industry, and all who require their expertise by enhancing communication, easing access to relevant information, and providing better searchability.
Remark: The purpose of the proposed gTLD, .film, is to provide a dedicated domain space in which copyright holders and their authorized distributors and licensees can enact unique second-level domains that relate to the promotion of films and/or the viewing of digital films.
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: Limited content creation in the gTLD to only verified copyright holders and their authorized distributors and licensees.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term FILM - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission/purpose of the .film TLD is to provide a new, unique and dedicated online space for the global film industr
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: Asia Pacific
Country: Australia
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: Limited to only film producers and majr film studios. Registrants will be required to provide a Motion Picture Assoiation of America number (or equivalent).
Remark: The aim is to provide an internet space for information about forex (foreign exchange market) trading, services and resources of IG Group Holdings plc (IG Group). .forex will communicate some key information on forex trading and how to trade securely as well as offering IG Group customers the opportunity to trade online.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term FORUM - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission for .FORUM is to create a recognizable, viable, and profitable extension to bring together individuals and companies who are passionate about self-identifying with forums.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term/acronym FYI - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term GOLF - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission for .golf is to create a recognizable, viable, and profitable extension to bring together individuals and companies who are passionate about self-identifying themselves as in the golf industry.
Remark: The mission is to provide a meaningful domain name alternative and to develop, promote and support valuable services and initiatives for golf businesses, organizations, players and fans around the world
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term GURU - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term HOCKEY - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: the .ira gTLD will be used by Fidelity or its affiliates to provide authoritative information, services and resources regarding Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) to consumers in a way that promotes trust, confidence and reliability.
Remark: The .kid gTLD will provide users with a tailored offering environment that seeks to offer kid-friendly content on web spaces targeted to an audience of child Internet users. The mission of this gTLD is to ensure that displayed Internet content is appropriate for that youthful audience.
Remark: There are now over 4.5 million New Zealanders in the world, including a high proportion of expatriates (“expats”), approximately one million, who feel a strong affinity to their homeland and self-identify as Kiwis.
Remark: The mission of the .LOTTO TLD is to offer entertainment businesses that provide games and lotteries to their customers a namespace to establish meaningful and relevant identities to promote their services and offerings.
Remark: The success of the .Love registry will be determined by the enhancement in the equity of the CARTIER brand and in terms of the security and stability it brings to our communications, not by the number of second level domain names that are registered.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term LOVE - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: Uniregistry believes that .LOVE will provide Internet users with a powerful way to express their love or discuss issues related to love and romance.
Restrictions: The .LUXE top-level domain, however, is not for brands who self-designate as luxury, but for brands recognized as representing luxury by the .LUXE selection committee.
Remark: The .MAIL TLD is envisioned as a central electronic post office, in which registrants will be able to establish unique, clear identifications, unencumbered by any branding or association with any other organization.
Remark: The mission of this gTLD, .mail, is to provide a dedicated domain space in which registrants can enact second-level domains that relate to the management of an individual, group, or enterprise`s email account(s).
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: All second-level domains in the .mail gTLD will be restricted to pointing to only verified email service operators.
Remark: With the new TDL .mail, Mail&Media can expand the available namespace for email addresses dramatically. Our mission is to offer prestigious and easy-to-remember email addresses for every one of our 30,000 new customers per day.
Remark: The purpose is to provide a unique and dedicated platform for Amazon while simultaneously protecting the integrity of its brand and reputation.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term MAIL - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission for .mail is to create a recognizable, viable, and profitable extension to bring together individuals and companies that are passionate about self-identifying themselves in the mail community.
Remark: The primary target audience of .MAIL includes Internet and email service providers or email distribution services seeking to differentiate their service through the provision of memorable and intuitive email addresses.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term MANAGEMENT - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term MARKET - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose of .MARKETING is to provide the worldwide Internet-using public with a greater selection of memorable and semantically relevant domain names than allowed by the current overcrowded gTLD namespaces, particular .COM, .NET and .ORG.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term MARKETING - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: For people and companies in the marketing industry, .MARKETING is exactly what they do. .MARKETING will offer a meaningful domain for this industry as well as an identifiable online location all Internet users will recognize as they seek information regarding marketing services.
Remark: open to any individual that has obtained a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and any individual enrolled in or pursuing a Master’s Degree in Business Administration as well as any organization or institution of higher learning that either awards a Master’s Degree in Business Administration or employs at least one individual that has obtained a Master’s Degree in Business Administration
Restrictions: In the .MBA User Agreement the registrant must represent that they meet the Eligibility Requirements briefly discussed below at the time of purchase and at any time thereafter or risk losing the rights to their .MBA domain.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the acronym MBA - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: ʺmba,ʺ an acronym for the ʺMasters in Business Administrationʺ degree. The mission of this gTLD, .mba, is to provide a dedicated domain space for MBA-related content offered by for institutions that award MBA degrees and entities that provide MBA-related content, products or services.
Remark: The purpose of the proposed gTLD, .med, is to provide a forum for doctors and medical practices to offer content related to their profession.
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: Eligibility restricted to doctors or medical practices via an established process. Additionally, the domain must correspond to the registered doctor’s name and/or their practice.
Remark: To provide Internet users in general, looking for genuine and reliable medical information, products and services with a clear and unambiguous identifier which provides them access to such information.
Remark: Aiming to create a platform for ordinary people seeking information regarding medical and healthcare topics will benefit from .med-websites as reliable sources of information.
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: Europe
Country: Germany
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: Restricted to those that can provide proof of formal or long-standing training and/or experience in any field of medicine. 18 (A) outlines list of accepted professions.
Remark: Under the stewardship of the Cleveland Clinic, the .MED gTLD will aim to serve as a source identifier that accomplishes integrating clinical and hospital care with research and education in a digital world, providing a trusted name space wherein users can come to find trusted sources for medical information.
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: Domain registrations in .MED will not be real-time, but instead will be allocated by Requests for Proposals (RFPs) only. RFP applicants will at minimum be required to set forth their qualifications to integrate clinical and hospital care with research and education, and any registration and/or use of domain names in .MED will be under terms, policies and guidelines as the Cleveland Clinic.
Remark: Because .MEDIA brings more meaning to the namespace, it will provide Internet users with an easier means of recognizing the purpose and intent of the registrant.
Remark: Media firms are the content creators of the Internet. Whether publishing news or entertainment, the media provides much of the rich content Internet users consume each day. For the individuals and businesses in the media business, .MEDIA will provide a strong identity for their online presence.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term MEMORIAL - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The .MEMORIAL mission is to provide special online memorials of loved ones for friends and family to visit and share their life experiences and memories, celebrating each precious life by creating an everlasting online tribute through the .MEMORIAL domain name registry service
Remark: The mission of the .MEMORIAL TLD is to provide people a namespace on the Internet to offer memorials, obituaries, tributes and honoring to great events and people in history, loved ones, and people deserving of recognition.
Remark: consumers will simplify their searches by identifying restaurants by category, geography and rating, and see user ratings for the individual items⁄dishes offered within a particular restaurant’s menu
Sunrise Period:2013-12-09 -2014-02-07
Landrush Period:2014-02-10 -2014-03-12
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: an internet space exclusively dedicated to restaurant menus of all kinds, and their affiliated constituents
Remark: The term “moda” is a generic and broadly used Spanish and Italian word that holds particular affinity for people and organizations interested and engaged in the world of fashion and style.
Remark: The mission of this gTLD, .mom, is to create a premiere online destination where registrants can offer and users can gain access to ideas, products, services and information about mothers and motherhood.
Remark: The purpose is that when the top-level domain .MOM is appended to the end of domain name, users will know immediately that the site or email is in use by a mother.
Remark: The term “ninja” is a generic and broadly used word with a particular affinity in popular culture as a term that describes a person with special expertise or skills (e.g. HTML Ninja) or people with special interest in different forms of martial arts. (...) For example, suppliers of martial arts equipment and services may promote their offerings to interested consumers. A self-proclaimed expert in homebrew techniques may share information about making beer at home
Remark: The purpose of the .online namespace is to facilitate communication on the Internet, and to serve the needs of individuals and organizations worldwide by enabling them to create and display new web content.
Remark: The purpose of .ONLINE is to provide the worldwide Internet-using public with a greater selection of memorable and semantically relevant domain names than allowed by the current overcrowded gTLD namespaces
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term ONLINE - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission and purpose of the .ONLINE TLD is to provide a simple, intuitive all-purpose gTLD option to be utilized by all walks of life and use cases.
Remark: A logical and needed gTLD, .online will offer potential registrants who have been boxed out of the crowded .com and .net environments, a place to register their domain name of choice.
Remark: The mission and purpose of Uniregistry's .PHOTO gTLD is to be the pre-eminent general and generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) choice for photography.
Remark: .physio will provide an internet space for the physio community through the creation of an online identity for members of the profession, professional associations, affiliated persons & entities in connection with the physio profession.
Restrictions: Limited to those associated with the physio profession, namely qualified or registered physios, physio students, assistants, aides, professional physio associations, physio entities/businesses & universities that offer courses in or relating to physio.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term PIZZA - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission and purpose of Uniregistry's .PIZZA gTLD is to be the pre-eminent general and generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) choice for registrants seeking to provide information about their pizza-oriented businesses online.
Remark: The .PIZZA top-level domain will help pizza restaurants advertise their specialties and help distinguish themselves from the rest of the food industry.
Remark: The sole purpose of the proposed gTLD, .plus, is to provide a dedicated Internet space where Google can continue to innovate on its Google+ offerings.
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: Reserved for company and affiliate use only.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term PLUS - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The .POKER TLD will create an easily identifiable Internet space where the poker-related activities carried on there are clearly understood and consumers visiting will have reasonable expectations of content.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term POKER - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The goal of the .POKER domain is to give Poker enthusiasts of all levels the ability to share the ideas, methods, tips, equipment and best-practices necessary for the improvement of Poker skills, as well as, educating the public on the Poker industry as a whole at any given time.
Remark: TLD, on the other hand, is a community-based application to provide the radio industry with a platform through which radio broadcasters and other radio industry stakeholders worldwide will collaborate to promote audio content distribution and community-wide services, promoting quality and competition in the public interest, for the benefit of listeners and Internet users.
Restrictions: entities and individuals related to audio content distributed mainly by broadcasting to wide communities of listeners throughout the world, the basic criterion being the requirement to use the domain names registered for the purpose of online audio content distribution to wide communities of listeners
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term RADIO - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: RADIO proposes to create an Internet space which will become the easily recognizable gathering place for existing and planned radio stations and podcasters to create trusted and easily accessible online content, and ease of access for people searching for specific topics or radio formats.
Remark: to cater to the unique needs and interests of wealthy individuals across the globe, and to provide a location where retailers of luxury goods and high-end services may interact with customers interested in exceptional lifestyles (…) “Rich” means an annual return or assets of or above US$ 1 million in order of having abundant possessions and especially material wealth
Remark: L'Oréal will implement an initial restricted community of L’Oréal certified salons, primarily, but not limited to, SalonCentric salons, which will allow consumers and Internet users to search for salon-specific information as well as serving as a secure repository of goods and services related to salons and beauty products.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term SALON - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: the primary audience for .SALON is the personal care industry, which includes a wide array of specialties such as hair, makeup, skin care, nail, tanning, spa, and general beauty
Restrictions: Grandfathering clause in relation to .XXX registrations (Sunrise A and B). Membership (validation process) required with Sponsored Adult Community in order to allow for the domain to resolve.
Remark: The .sex TLD will target the adult entertainment industry and indeed the wider and multiple market segments that can also identify to this TLD, offering an alternative to today’s current TLDs.
Sunrise Period:2015-03-01 -2015-04-01
Landrush Period:2015-04-18 -unknown
Region: Europe
Country: Virgin Islands, British
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: Limited to R18. Sunrise/Landrush and RPMs, otherwise FC-FS.
Remark: The goal for the .SITE top-level domain is to attract organizations, small and large businesses, entrepreneurs and any other persons or entities interested in having an alternative, clearly identifiable domain with which they can associate themselves, their products, and their services.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term SITE - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission of the proposed gTLD is to provide a dedicated domain space in which to enact second-level domains that relate to the management of an individual`s, organization`s, or business` website publishing services.
Sunrise Period:unknown -unknown
Landrush Period:unknown -unknown
Region: North America
Country: United States
Applicant Website:
Restricted: yes
Restrictions: reserved for company and affiliate use only.
Remark: To support the spa and wellness community, it’s industry operators, professionals and practitioners, in their efforts to develop and extend their presence online
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term SPA - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Restrictions: Reserved for trusted sources of information, goods and services relating to the Sport community. Community association validation process.
Remark: The .studio TLD aspires to be a namespace encouraging original ingenuity within the art, music, film, fashion, architectural and other creative industries, brands and individuals.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term STUDIO - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission and purpose of Uniregistry's .TATTOO gTLD is to be the pre-eminent general and generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) choice for registrants seeking to display and discuss tattoos and tattoo artists online.
Remark: The overall mission of the gTLD .taxi is to foster the further growth and the long-term sustainability of the taxi community, as well as facilitate the establishment of online presences even for small players of the industry in order to lead the rather traditional industry to an innovative future.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term TAXI - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term TENNIS - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission and purpose of the .tennis TLD is to provide an authoritative, intuitive and cohesive online space for the Australian Tennis Community, as defined by Tennis Australia Pty Ltd (Tennis Australia).
Restrictions: Only full members of the Tennis Australia community, from established Tennis Australia membership sub-groups - 18(B) IV. Name must be an exact match of the member or represent activities of that member.
Remark: A .tennis domain name would provide a more intuitive and memorable way for individuals and organizations involved in the sport to clarify their affiliation without a lengthy or complicated URL structure.
Remark: The goal of the .VIDEO top-level domain is to offer the public an easily-identifiable, straight-forward platform which they can use to share and view videos
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term VIDEO - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The mission and purpose of Uniregistry's .VIDEO gTLD is to be the pre-eminent general and generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) choice for video production, broadcasting, and the manufacturing of video equipment.
Remark: The .VIP TLD and its domains names shall provide a unique digital identity, facilitate the exchange among the VIPs on the one side and on the other side facilitate communication between the VIPs, their representatives, service providers to VIPs, fans and Internet users in general more intuitively.
Remark: .VIP will fill a niche at the high end of the domain industry, providing second-level domains for a limited number of very influential and important individuals, who may not own their own name under .com or other existing extensions, and for whom a high initiation fee and high yearly use fee is not a barrier.
Restrictions: .VIP will offer a select group of individuals the opportunity to join an elite club of .VIP domain holders. Admission to the domain will be decided by a membership committee. VIP names will be granted free of charge to a select few of individuals of significant achievement and some recipients of significant awards from their peers in various industries. Otherwise, the domain will be very expensive.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the acronym VIP - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The .vip domain is intended to benefit internet users worldwide by enabling them to immediately identify the websites of important persons and projects.
Remark: The mission of VIP Registry is to provide a platform for creating and promoting a better organized online environment for luxury goods and premium services.
Remark: The mission of the .VODKA top-level domain is to provide consumers of vodka an easy way to find and evaluate information about vodka, and in some cases to purchase it online (laws permitting).
Remark: The goal of the .WEB TLD is to help users of the Internet establish meaningful and relevant identities while promoting themselves or their groups, companies or organizations at the same time.
Remark: .WEB is intended to become one of the most common and easily accessible TLDs on the Internet, vastly expanding options for creating domains, and giving new opportunities to those who were unable to obtain a desired domain name under the existing TLD structure.
Remark: The purpose is for general use associated with the term WEB - Attractive and useful to end-users as it better facilitates search, self-expression, information sharing and introduces significant consumer choice and competition to the Internet namespace.
Remark: The goal of .web is to provide first choice name registration to individuals, entrepreneurs, communities, small and medium sized businesses, multi-national corporations, non-profits and anyone else seeking a truly global domain name.
Remark: .ДЕТИ is an instrument to reach out to kids, teens, parents, grandparents, teachers, librarians, etc. by creating a platform to share ideas and experiences, create, engage in and interact under the rainbow of projects and activities
Remark: The primary mission is to improve the user experience by offering a fully internationalized domain name (IDN) that includes a transliteration of .com.
Remark: The primary mission is to foster and strengthen the usage of the Cyrillic script and of the languages that use it in the on-line world, and to increase audience and awareness for websites using the Cyrillic script.
Remark: The mission⁄purpose of the IDN gTLD is to offer the Eastern European language community (Bosnian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian) a gTLD that is an in-language and localized translation of .ORG, and to promote the mainstream adoption of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs).
Remarks: Despite being run by the existing .ORG registry, there will be no grandfather process for the .ORG IDNs.
IDN language script only.
Remark: The purpose of .сайт is to be a common and widely used TLD, oriented towards registrants and Internet users which write in the Cyrillic alphabet. The word “сайт” means “site”, a term widely used by all Internet users of the Cyrillic alphabet in Belarus, Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine, while being also easily recognizable by the population of other neighboring Balkan and Baltic countries that use and⁄or are familiar with Cyrillic-script languages.