eBrand Services - Noms de domaine pour les entreprises

Trademark Clearinghouse

The Trademark Clearinghouse facilitates the protection of trademark rights in new gTLDs.

All new gTLD registries will be required to use Clearinghouse data to ensure that a set of mandatory trademark rights protection mechanisms are implemented during a TLD’s startup periods. Using the Clearinghouse becomes the most efficient protection system for all the trademark holders that desire to protect their brands during all the new gTLDs Sunrise period.

eBrand Services, as CHIP accredited Registrar, is entitled to offer you an easy injection of all your Trademarks into the Clearinghouse ensuring that your brand is protected along the starting period of every new gTLD. Fill out the form on the right to download the TMCH whitepaper.

Fill out the form if you want to download the Trademark Clearinghouse whitepaper.