DATES Sunrise Period: from 2014-05-13 to 2014-06-13
Landrush Period: from 2014-06-17 to 2014-07-18
GoLive: 2014-07-22
IDN Translation: -- Applicant: Interlink Co., Ltd.
Type: Standard Website: http://www.interlink.or.jp/
Status: IE Pass Region: Asia Pacific
Prio: 745 Country: Japan
Contested: no RESTRICTIONS
dotBrand: no Restricted: no
Industry: generic Restrictions:
Remark: Interlink is applying for the “.moe” top-level domain (TLD) to create a new online identity for a niche community. The word “moe” (in Japanese: “萌え”; pronounced as “moh-ay”) is a slang word in Japanese (…) “moe” is often used to describe a feeling of excitement towards some object or character, mainly in animation, manga (Japanese comic books), and video games.
Click here for full application details