DATES Sunrise Period: from 2014-04-29 to 2014-07-31
Landrush Period: from 2014-04-29 to 2014-07-31
GoLive: 2014-09-09
IDN Translation: -- Applicant: Dot London Domains Limited
Type: Geographic Website: http://www.londonandpartners.com/
Status: IE Pass Region: Europe
Prio: 635 Country: United Kingdom
Contested: no RESTRICTIONS
dotBrand: no Restricted: no
Industry: geo Restrictions:
Remark: Capital of United Kingdom. The purpose is to enable those interested in disseminating information, whether commercial, non-commercial, news, culture, lifestyle, entertainment, sports or any other topic and who wish to associate themselves and their information with London. Please note that Sunrise and Landrush phases will run in parallel and the Landrush period is otherwise known as the London Priority phase.
Click here for full application details