DATES Sunrise Period: from 2015-02-15 to 2015-04-15
Landrush Period: from 2015-04-15 to 2015-05-15
GoLive: 2015-06-15
IDN Translation: -- Applicant: Academic Institution: Kyoto Jyoho Gakuen
Type: Geographic Website: http://www.kcg.edu/
Status: Delegated Region: Asia Pacific
Prio: 1338 Country: Japan
Contested: no RESTRICTIONS
dotBrand: no Restricted: no
Industry: geo Restrictions:
Remark: City in Japan. The mission and purpose of the “.kyoto” namespace is to create a high performance top-level domain registry that will foster global communications, improve international commerce, and expand the online communities of Kyoto.
Click here for full application details