DATES Sunrise Period: from 2014-04-22 to 2014-05-22
Landrush Period: from unknown to unknown
GoLive: 2014-05-27
IDN Translation: Org (организация – organization) Applicant: Public Interest Registry
Type: Standard Website: http://www.pir.org
Status: IE Pass Region: North America
Prio: 108 Country: United States
Contested: no RESTRICTIONS
dotBrand: no Restricted: no
Industry: generic Restrictions:
Remark: The mission⁄purpose of the IDN gTLD is to offer the Eastern European language community (Bosnian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian) a gTLD that is an in-language and localized translation of .ORG, and to promote the mainstream adoption of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). Remarks: Despite being run by the existing .ORG registry, there will be no grandfather process for the .ORG IDNs. IDN language script only.
Click here for full application details