DATES Sunrise Period: from 2014-06-10 to 2014-07-10
Landrush Period: from 2014-07-15 to 2014-11-18
GoLive: 2014-12-01
IDN Translation: MOSKVA is the full name of the Russian capital - Moscow - in Russian Applicant: Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID)
Type: Geographic Website: http://www.faitid.org
Status: IE Pass Region: Europe
Prio: 69 Country: Russian Federation
Contested: no RESTRICTIONS
dotBrand: no Restricted: no
Industry: geo Restrictions:
Remark: This TLD is a transliteration in cyrillic of Moscow, the Russian capital. It is an open and unrestricted TLD.
Click here for full application details